Coincidentally enough or because all things align at the appropriate time, about a week after my diagnosis a co-worker of my husbands came up to him and started telling him about a farmer in Stouffville ( the town I'm from which is not too far from Toronto) who grows wheatgrass, his co-worker had no idea what was going on with me, as my husband still hadn't told many people at his work. My husband had no idea what wheatgrass was and didn't know anything about its benefits. He did some research and thought "wow, this is exactly what my wife needs right now". For those of you who don't know anything about wheatgrass ( don't worry I didn't either) here is a link to all the amazing benefits it has to offer . . . ,
and here is another link to the farm where we buy our wheatgrass -
I drink wheatgrass everyday now, probably 3-5 times a day. The main selling point that caught my attention was that it is known to shrink tumors and fight cancer cells. If by some miracle my tumor shrinks, I'm giving credit to the wheatgrass, and to all of those who have been praying for me. Wheatgrass is AMAZING! The first time I tried it, it honestly tasted like someone mowed the lawn in my mouth, so if you like the smell of fresh cut grass then this drink is for you. After a few days of drinking this stuff, I was feeling great, I had more energy, wasn't so tired, had an overall sense of well-being. My body actually craves it now and I love the taste of it. You know that 'healthy feeling' you get when you're eating vegetables or a nice fresh salad, it's like that feeling, but way better! I love it and recommend it to everyone. Even if it doesn't shrink my tumor, it is helping my body prep for my surgery and recovery. We had some friends over this past weekend and one of our friends smelled my wheatgrass juice and he said " it smells like health", which is the perfect description for it, I swear it's the 'fountain of youth' in a grass! Hubby and I are thinking of growing some of our own. I'll keep you all posted on how that goes.
So I started to see a Naturopath. I have mixed feeling about this Dr. My first visit was amazing, she really seemed to be in-tuned with me, very empathetic about what was going on, and very caring overall My session with her was pretty straight forward. I had to answer a ton of questions, one of which included what my goal was in regards to my tumor, I told her my ultimate goal would be for my tumor to shrink and not to have the surgery ( Dream Big right!?). So she recommended me to visualize my tumor shrinking, she told me to continue to drink the wheatgrass and she gave me a homeopathic remedy called Lymphadiaral which is supposed to help with the lymphatic system, she's hoping that this could perhaps naturally drain the cysts that are above and below the tumor. I'm not sure if this remedy is working on the cysts but I have had swollen lymph nodes for quite some time now and the swelling has definitely gone down - so that's a big plus! I left my first session feeling great and with high hopes! I did my homework and filled out my food journal that she recommended for an entire week and then went back for a follow-up. When I went back for my follow up visit I didn't have the same vibe that I got the first time around - My second visit with the Dr. felt as if she was just looking for anything else that could be wrong with me, nothing that had to do with my tumor. I felt like she was just trying to sell me all of her products and since I was in such a vulnerable state of mind that I would buy anything that she recommended to me. "even if it doesn't help, it won't hurt to try it" is pretty much what she was saying about every remedy that she laid out on the table. She even tried to tell me that my husband and I can't afford to get sick so she was sticking another remedy in my face trying to sell that on me. For those of you who know me, know that I hardly ever get sick, my whole family can have the stomach flu and I will not get it, I just don't get sick - I have no time for that. Anyways, once I started denying the products that she was trying to sell me, I could sense that our bond was dwindling. I have one more appointment with this lady at the end of the month so I'll give it another go, but if I feel like I'm just being taken advantage of then I'll probably stop going.
Anyways, this was just kind of a rant post with no real emotion put into it. I really just wanted to rant and rave about wheatgrass and how I think you should all try it!
Keep in mind that April 10th is Ependymoma Awareness Day, please help raise awareness.
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